



LazyFit Inc. proposes an innovative web app delivering personalized nutrition to busy professionals, combining advanced AI for meal customization with local meal preps to enhance dietary management, aiming for significant market penetration in the wellness industry.

LazyFit Inc. proposes an innovative web app delivering personalized nutrition to busy professionals, combining advanced AI for meal customization with local meal preps to enhance dietary management, aiming for significant market penetration in the wellness industry.

LazyFit Inc. proposes an innovative web app delivering personalized nutrition to busy professionals, combining advanced AI for meal customization with local meal preps to enhance dietary management, aiming for significant market penetration in the wellness industry.

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YC Application Feedback

YC Application Feedback

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YC Application Feedback

YC Application Feedback

LazyFit Inc. s2024 EDUCATION KWARASTATE UNIVERSITY, MALETE BSC Computer Science '12-'16 WORK EXPERIENCE WeTransfer- Senior Software Engineer Nov '23-Present Icontributed code to a system that orchestrates addecision serving for more than 80 million users monthly. A r - Lead Software Engineer Apr '22-Oct '22 Iled the development of asystem to extract Ejar contracts in Saudi Arabia which increased ARR by 50%+ Te...ard - Lead Backend Engineer Dec '19-Mar '22 I built an Al and computer vision solution tha tprocesse dover 1billion records, resulting in +100% in customer satisfaction. Please tell us in one or two sentences about the most impressive thing other than this startup that you have built or achieved. I revamped the core services of a company, including architecture, and code rewrite. This overhaul led to a YC Apply > Application • Logout 4/24/24, 8:24 PM Apply to Y Combinator threefold increase in speed and efficiency. It facilitated the company's expansion into Saudi Arabia and Bahrain, which resulted ni 50%+ increase ni customer acquisition and revenue. If accepted to YC, will you commit to working exclusively on this project for the next year?* (Required) (No school, no other jobs) Yes Blazeh EDUCATION Niagara College Associate's diploma Computer Systems Tech '15-'17 Federal UniversityOf Agriculture, Abeokuta Bachelor's degree Computer Science '13-'15 WORK EXPERIENCE Cohere- Member of Technical Staff Feb '24-Present Helping developers build secure Al models for enterprise companies and OpenSource. Amazon Web Services (AWS) - Application Security Engineer Sep '21-Nov '23 Secured the cloud, AWS Bedrock, and brieflv Amazon Care The

  • Sr Cloud Security Engineer Aug '20-Sep '21 Built a secure infra for Sophi, an Al/ML paywall for news media OpenText - Senior DevOps Engineer Oct '19-Aug 2'1 Founding team forCore Signaturea document signing app. Built the infrastructure to scale from R&D to Enterprise 2/13

4/24/24.8:24 P M Apply t oYCombinator Please tell us in one or two sentences about the most impressive thing other than this startup that you have built or achieved.

  1. Professionally, Ienabled the launch of A spearheaded the security for. 10bn$, created a security framework that saved , over 700hrs ni discovery and triage. 2)I am part of hte core team writing the top10 LM Vulnerabilities at OWASP fI accepted to YC, wil you commit to working exclusively on this project for the next year?* (Required) (No school, no other jobs) Yes Doe EDUCATION IFP School MA Petroleum Economics And Management '12-'12 Colorado School of Mines MA Mineral And Energy Economics '11-'12 The University of Western Exchange program Electrical Engineering '06-'06 The University of Texas at Austin BS Electrical Engineering '03-'07 WORK EXPERIENCE Bonterra Tech- Product Strategy Director Trilogy Software- VP Oct '23-Present Commercial Product Management Crossover for Work- VP Sep '22-Oct '23 Organization Builder Nov '21-Aug '22 Skinny Jollof- Owner May '20-Dec '23 Health and fitness coaching Wood Mackenzie -- Principal Consultant Bain & Company Oct '18-Oct '19 Consultant Feb '17-Sep '18

4/24/24.8:24 P M Apply to 1 combinator Decision Strategies Inc. - Strategy Consultant Jan '13-Jul '16 Deloitte Consulting- Jan '08-Sep '09 Please tell us in one or two sentences about the most impressive thing other than this startup that you have built or achieved. As the Owner and Coach at Skinny Jollof, I empowered over 200 women to transform their relationship with food and achieve sustainable weight loss using a blend of online video modules and group coaching sessions. l've provided in-depth coaching that has enabled busy women to lose weight without restrictive diets, and what's most rewarding is witnessing hte transformative impact on people's health and wellness. If accepted to YC, will you commit to working exclusively on this project for the next year?* (Required) (No school, no other jobs) Yes EDUCATION Birmingham City University MS Artificial Intelligence '22-'23 Federal University Of Agriculture, Abeokuta BS Computer Science '13-'18 WORK EXPERIENCE Inc.- Senior Software Engineer Apr '22-Present Tech lead for user health journey experience so - Senior Software Engineer Aug '21-Mar '24 Tech Lead for the Colombia Fiat Payment Systems Interswitch Limited- Software Engineer

Apply ot Y Combinator Please tell us in one or two Jul '18-Jul '21 sentences about the most impressive thing other than this startup that you have built or achieved. In collaboration with the NHS UK Dudley Trust,I developed a non-pharmacological health and wellness system specifically designed to address the needs of individuals living with Osteoporosis. This innovative system implements large languagemodels using Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG) pattern ot provide recommendations and guidance for managing the condition, and was evaluated by both medical professionals and general userswith a usability score of excellent by both medical professionals (83#11.6) and general users (85‡12.9). If accepted to YC, will you commit to working exclusively on this project for the next year?* (Required) (No school, no other jobs) Yes Who writes code, or does other technical work on your product? Was any of it done by a non- founder? Please explain.

  1. ^ u - b u i l d s t h e Al A g e n t s . 2) Г in writes fullstack code.

  2. ~ ' ij builds infra, security and safety controls. How long have the founders known one another and how did you meet? Have any of the founders not met in person? I have known the founders for:

  • 9 yearsI( ji) - Close friends and CompSci course mate, built a file sharing app together.

  • 3 years |( o) - I met her through a friend who referred her for weight loss consultation.

  • 1.5 years I( ...1)i - E found I i on YC cofounder matching and we traveled to meet him ni the UK. FOUNDER Please record a one minute video introducing VIDEO the founders). This video isan important part of the application. Read the Guidelines 5/13

4/24/24, 8:24 PM Applyot YCombinator 0 : 0 0/ 0 : 5 8 COMPANYCompany name: LazyFit Inc. Describe what your company does in 50 characters or less. UberEats for Personalized Nutrition Company url, if any: fI you have a demo, attach it below. Anything that shows su how the product works. Please limit to 3 minutes / 100MB. 0 : 0 0/ 1 : 4 4 Please provide a link to the product, if relevant. What is your company going to make? Please describe your product and what it does or will do. 6/13

4/24/24, 8:24PM Abdiv to Y Combinator LazyFit si a web app that delivers personalized nutrition ofr busy professionals with dietary restrictions conveniently. Here's how it works:

  1. Users enter their bio-data (height, weight), dietary preferences (allergies, cuisines), goals (lose weight)

  2. The app uses Al agents to pul meal data from our database, calculate recommended macronutrients, and integrate the user's goals and preferences into a ML prompt ot generate personalized meal recommendations. 3) Through prompts, users customize meals that address dietary restrictions and functional nutrition such as reducing bloat, improving metabolism, reducing stress, managing gut health etc.

  3. Recommended meals are delivered weekly by local meal o r eoartners How we get the meals:

  4. We partner with vetted local meal preps by importing their meal inventory intoour datastore

  5. Recommended meals confirmed by the customer is sent as an order to the meal prep

  6. Meal Preps deliver the meals and get a weekly payout after LazyFit's 30% commission *We only handle non-pharmacological nutrition today. oT scale LazyFit, we wil use a B2B2C Marketplace model where LazyFit is the UberEats ofr Personalized Nutrition, a portal for people to customize their nutrition and get it delivered by local meal prep suppliers. Where do you live now, and where would the company be based after YC? We live in Toronto and the startup would be based in San Francisco & Toronto. Explain your decision regarding location.

  7. We are Toronto locals with established relationships. 2) San Fran has the 2nd highest fitness spendni the US (after NY. ( PROGRESS How far along are you? Since our initial product validation ni August, we got 1 customers, 175 waitlist signups, 558 GI followers, onboarded 6 meal prep suppliers, and earned $5,473.69 CAD in revenue. We pivoted in February ot focus on personalized nutrition that addresses dietary restrictions. We have deployed our Al agents ofr nutrition, integrated with our meal preps, testing with customers, and we're publicly launching the new MVP on April 23rd. *$5,473.69 CAD= $3,995.81 USD 7/13

4/24/24, 8:24 PM Abdiv to Y Combinator How long have each of you been working on this? How much of that has been full-time? Please explain. ....,. orrro.,pe- 10monthspart-time

  • 7 months part-time, 3 months full-time What tech stack are you using, or planning to use, to build this product? Frontend: Next.js Backend: NestJS, Node.js Database: PostgreSQL, Redis Al: Python, Anthropic LLM, Retrieval-Augmented Generation Cloud: GCP, AWS Amplify Payment: Stripe Are people using your product? Yes How many active users or customers do you have? How many are paying? Who is paying you the most, and how much do they pay you?

  • 1 active customers, lal are paying.

  • A busy Senior PM at AWS has spent the most: $1360 CAD. *$1360 CAD = $992.59 USD Do you have revenue? Yes How much revenue? Mar 2024: $545 Feb 2024: $620 Jan 2024: $470 Dec 2023: $695 Nov 2023: $600 Oct 2023: $525 Where does your revenue come from? If your revenue comes from multiple sources (ex. multiple products, multiple companies or a mix of consulting and this product), please break down how much is coming from each source. -> 30% Commission based revenue.

  • Customers order meals weekly (currently 5 to 21 meals)

4/24/24.8:24 P M Apply t oYCombinator I D E A at $17/meal and we keep 30% (4$) asrevenue after payouts to meal preps. *CAD ot USD: 17$ = 12$ Anything else you would like us to know regarding your revenue or growth rate? Between Nov- April, our revenue fluctuated because we experimented with various price points (i.e. 15$, 17$, 205), and paused customer acquisition to rebuild our solution after conducting more customer research. *CAD ot USD: 15$ = 115, 17$ = 12$, 20$ = 15% If you are applying with the same idea as a previous batch, did anything change? If you applied with a different idea, why did you pivot and what did you learn from the last idea? We pivoted from the original idea because we were solving multiple problems (meal planner, meal prep B2B SOttware, meal tracker, and logistics) at once but not ettectively,andwewerenotaddressingthepressingneeds of our ideal customer, but after customer discovery we learned personalizing their nutrition to manage dietary restrictions was a more urgent need. If you have already participated or committed to participate in an incubator, "accelerator" or "pre- accelerator" program, please tell us about it. We participated in:

  1. Conestoga Venture Lab Program (

  2. Communitech Canada (

  3. Approved for Al benefits as part of the Google for Startups Cloud Program ( Why did you pick this idea to work on? Do you have domain expertise in this area? How do you know people need what you're making? I couldn'tfi n d a nutrition app to manage my metabolism and dietary restrictions during my Masters Program while dealing with a lot of stress. spent upwards fo $2000/month ordering from multiple meal preps, including HelloFresh, ot lose weight and hated the lack of personalization. --..g. reached out ot , a weight loss coach & bodybuilder, to create a meal plan ot lose weight. Kepo also shared how painful the experience is for her clients. Domain Expertise:

  • I hold an MSc in Al and developed an Al system for osteoporosis management ni collaboration with the NHS 9/13

4/24/24, 8:24 PM Abdiv to Y Combinatoi UK. I'm also a Senior Engineer at I a Healthcare. has experience with Al at Cohere & AWS Bedrock and has worked on securing healthcare data at Costco Pharmacy and Amazon Care. , formerly at Bain, is a personal coach who has helped over 200 clients with their nutrition. has led the expansion of engineering teams at two startups. Market Need: We interviewed 70+ people and surveyed 300 to understand the market. 80% reported difficulty ni consistently eating healthily due to time constraints and a lack of personalized options. Our findings confirmed hte need for our solution: personalized nutrition for busy professionals. This was further highlighted by one of our customers who spent over $5000 on specialized nutrition to m a n a g e her dietary restrictions. Surveys:

  1. 2) Who are your competitors? What do you understand about your business that they don't? Our competitors are large meal prep/kit companies like HelloFresh and FactorMeals, nutrition apps like Noom and MyFitnessPal, small meal prep services, and nutrition coaches who work with clients on a DIY cooking basis. However:

  2. Large Meal Preps/Kits don't offer personalized experiences without customers booking a call with a dietician who is there toupsell themI( hate this). LazyFit provides real-time and on-demand nutrition support.

  3. Nutrition apps provide nutrition support but put the burden of meal planningand cooking on the user. LazyFit eliminates this friction by directly delivering tailored meals through local meal preps.

  4. Nutrition coaches offer personalization but users are limited by the time-intensive human effort required, such as booking calls, paying $50-2505 on top consultation fees, cooking, and tracking. LazyFit's Al Agents allows us to replicate this level of service efficiently and cost- effectively.

  5. Small Meal Preps do not have the technicalcapacity to offer personalized experiences to their customers, limiting their ability ot meet dietary needs. LazyFit enables their businesses by providing the tech. W e learned: -> For Competitors: "It's hard to run a Kitchen and the Intrastructure required for personalization at the same time."

  • For Users: "The burden sistill on the user to personalize their nutrition through research, meal prep, and macro tracking; cognitive overload.' There si a gap between the needs of busy professionals for personalized nutrition and existing solutions - LazyFit 10/13

4/24/24.8:24 P M Apply to Y Combinator intends to fil that gap. Tshi si how we wil accomplish it and stand out from the competition:

  1. LazytFi si tailored ot each user's goals, and uses Al Agents to scale personalized nutrition

  2. Our system integrates with vetted meal preps to deliver the recommended meals. No operational overhead of kitchen a n d logistics

  3. Network effect; with more customers - more data- smarter Al ->better personalization -›more customers which leads to more leverage. How do or will you make money? How much could you make? LazyFit earns a 30% commission from each personalized meal ordered weekly. LazyFit could generate $1.1 billion annually across US & Canada. Detailed Calculations: Revenue = 551,954 users × 10 meals per week × $4 per meal × э0 weeks per year Assumptions:

  4. Serving 551,954 users across the US and Canada.

  5. Assuming each user orders 10 meals per week for 50 weeks a vear.

  6. $4 represents our 30% revenue share.

  7. approximates ni hte US, 6.09% of thetotal working fitness enthusiast population is 7.83 million, with a household income of $100,000 to $149,999 and ni the 25- 4 age group. 5% of that si 391,954 users.

  8. In Canada, the meal kit delivery market siprojected to reach US$1.66 billion by 2024, with an expected 3.2 million users by 2028. 5% means 160,000 users. Our fallback is a (B2B) API / SaaS model where LazyFit software si used by food distributors or fitness institutions that want to offer white labeled personalized nutrition. Sources: US: Canada: Toronto: *LazyFit wil evolve its pricing model and streams of income at scale How do users find your product? How did you get the users you have now? If you run paid ads, what is your cost of acquisition? Current customers are through word of mouth and personal network; CAC = 0$. Customers wil find us through:

  9. Partnerships with boutique gyms and personal coaches 2) Affiliate programs with fitness enthusiasts and health institutions

  10. Employer benefit programs

4/24/24, 8:24 PM Apply to Y Combinatol 4) SEO with blog content and backlinks 5) Local media outlets like Narcity or use Bolaji's Globe&Mail connections Where will most of your initial users be located? CA Which category best applies to your company? Wellness EQUITY Have you formed ANY legal entity yet? Yes O T H E R S Please list all legal entities you have and in what state or country each was formed (e.g. Delaware C Corp, Mexican SAPI, Singapore Pvt Ltd, etc.). LazyFit Inc. Please describe the breakdown of the equity ownership in percentages among the founders, employees and any other stockholders. If there are multiple founders, be sure to give the equity ownership of each founder and founder title (e.g. CEO). Al Engineer- 15% - CEO - 15%

  • CTO - 15% - PM - 15% YC and others: 40% Are you currently fundraising? No fI you had any other ideas you considered applying with, please list them. One may be something we've been waiting for. Often when we fund people it's to do something they list here and not in the main application. (Copilot for : 80% of their them to Risk stakeholders context-awai specification make better engineers g€

LazyFit Inc. s2024 EDUCATION KWARASTATE UNIVERSITY, MALETE BSC Computer Science '12-'16 WORK EXPERIENCE WeTransfer- Senior Software Engineer Nov '23-Present Icontributed code to a system that orchestrates addecision serving for more than 80 million users monthly. A r - Lead Software Engineer Apr '22-Oct '22 Iled the development of asystem to extract Ejar contracts in Saudi Arabia which increased ARR by 50%+ Te...ard - Lead Backend Engineer Dec '19-Mar '22 I built an Al and computer vision solution tha tprocesse dover 1billion records, resulting in +100% in customer satisfaction. Please tell us in one or two sentences about the most impressive thing other than this startup that you have built or achieved. I revamped the core services of a company, including architecture, and code rewrite. This overhaul led to a YC Apply > Application • Logout 4/24/24, 8:24 PM Apply to Y Combinator threefold increase in speed and efficiency. It facilitated the company's expansion into Saudi Arabia and Bahrain, which resulted ni 50%+ increase ni customer acquisition and revenue. If accepted to YC, will you commit to working exclusively on this project for the next year?* (Required) (No school, no other jobs) Yes Blazeh EDUCATION Niagara College Associate's diploma Computer Systems Tech '15-'17 Federal UniversityOf Agriculture, Abeokuta Bachelor's degree Computer Science '13-'15 WORK EXPERIENCE Cohere- Member of Technical Staff Feb '24-Present Helping developers build secure Al models for enterprise companies and OpenSource. Amazon Web Services (AWS) - Application Security Engineer Sep '21-Nov '23 Secured the cloud, AWS Bedrock, and brieflv Amazon Care The

  • Sr Cloud Security Engineer Aug '20-Sep '21 Built a secure infra for Sophi, an Al/ML paywall for news media OpenText - Senior DevOps Engineer Oct '19-Aug 2'1 Founding team forCore Signaturea document signing app. Built the infrastructure to scale from R&D to Enterprise 2/13

4/24/24.8:24 P M Apply t oYCombinator Please tell us in one or two sentences about the most impressive thing other than this startup that you have built or achieved.

  1. Professionally, Ienabled the launch of A spearheaded the security for. 10bn$, created a security framework that saved , over 700hrs ni discovery and triage. 2)I am part of hte core team writing the top10 LM Vulnerabilities at OWASP fI accepted to YC, wil you commit to working exclusively on this project for the next year?* (Required) (No school, no other jobs) Yes Doe EDUCATION IFP School MA Petroleum Economics And Management '12-'12 Colorado School of Mines MA Mineral And Energy Economics '11-'12 The University of Western Exchange program Electrical Engineering '06-'06 The University of Texas at Austin BS Electrical Engineering '03-'07 WORK EXPERIENCE Bonterra Tech- Product Strategy Director Trilogy Software- VP Oct '23-Present Commercial Product Management Crossover for Work- VP Sep '22-Oct '23 Organization Builder Nov '21-Aug '22 Skinny Jollof- Owner May '20-Dec '23 Health and fitness coaching Wood Mackenzie -- Principal Consultant Bain & Company Oct '18-Oct '19 Consultant Feb '17-Sep '18

4/24/24.8:24 P M Apply to 1 combinator Decision Strategies Inc. - Strategy Consultant Jan '13-Jul '16 Deloitte Consulting- Jan '08-Sep '09 Please tell us in one or two sentences about the most impressive thing other than this startup that you have built or achieved. As the Owner and Coach at Skinny Jollof, I empowered over 200 women to transform their relationship with food and achieve sustainable weight loss using a blend of online video modules and group coaching sessions. l've provided in-depth coaching that has enabled busy women to lose weight without restrictive diets, and what's most rewarding is witnessing hte transformative impact on people's health and wellness. If accepted to YC, will you commit to working exclusively on this project for the next year?* (Required) (No school, no other jobs) Yes EDUCATION Birmingham City University MS Artificial Intelligence '22-'23 Federal University Of Agriculture, Abeokuta BS Computer Science '13-'18 WORK EXPERIENCE Inc.- Senior Software Engineer Apr '22-Present Tech lead for user health journey experience so - Senior Software Engineer Aug '21-Mar '24 Tech Lead for the Colombia Fiat Payment Systems Interswitch Limited- Software Engineer

Apply ot Y Combinator Please tell us in one or two Jul '18-Jul '21 sentences about the most impressive thing other than this startup that you have built or achieved. In collaboration with the NHS UK Dudley Trust,I developed a non-pharmacological health and wellness system specifically designed to address the needs of individuals living with Osteoporosis. This innovative system implements large languagemodels using Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG) pattern ot provide recommendations and guidance for managing the condition, and was evaluated by both medical professionals and general userswith a usability score of excellent by both medical professionals (83#11.6) and general users (85‡12.9). If accepted to YC, will you commit to working exclusively on this project for the next year?* (Required) (No school, no other jobs) Yes Who writes code, or does other technical work on your product? Was any of it done by a non- founder? Please explain.

  1. ^ u - b u i l d s t h e Al A g e n t s . 2) Г in writes fullstack code.

  2. ~ ' ij builds infra, security and safety controls. How long have the founders known one another and how did you meet? Have any of the founders not met in person? I have known the founders for:

  • 9 yearsI( ji) - Close friends and CompSci course mate, built a file sharing app together.

  • 3 years |( o) - I met her through a friend who referred her for weight loss consultation.

  • 1.5 years I( ...1)i - E found I i on YC cofounder matching and we traveled to meet him ni the UK. FOUNDER Please record a one minute video introducing VIDEO the founders). This video isan important part of the application. Read the Guidelines 5/13

4/24/24, 8:24 PM Applyot YCombinator 0 : 0 0/ 0 : 5 8 COMPANYCompany name: LazyFit Inc. Describe what your company does in 50 characters or less. UberEats for Personalized Nutrition Company url, if any: fI you have a demo, attach it below. Anything that shows su how the product works. Please limit to 3 minutes / 100MB. 0 : 0 0/ 1 : 4 4 Please provide a link to the product, if relevant. What is your company going to make? Please describe your product and what it does or will do. 6/13

4/24/24, 8:24PM Abdiv to Y Combinator LazyFit si a web app that delivers personalized nutrition ofr busy professionals with dietary restrictions conveniently. Here's how it works:

  1. Users enter their bio-data (height, weight), dietary preferences (allergies, cuisines), goals (lose weight)

  2. The app uses Al agents to pul meal data from our database, calculate recommended macronutrients, and integrate the user's goals and preferences into a ML prompt ot generate personalized meal recommendations. 3) Through prompts, users customize meals that address dietary restrictions and functional nutrition such as reducing bloat, improving metabolism, reducing stress, managing gut health etc.

  3. Recommended meals are delivered weekly by local meal o r eoartners How we get the meals:

  4. We partner with vetted local meal preps by importing their meal inventory intoour datastore

  5. Recommended meals confirmed by the customer is sent as an order to the meal prep

  6. Meal Preps deliver the meals and get a weekly payout after LazyFit's 30% commission *We only handle non-pharmacological nutrition today. oT scale LazyFit, we wil use a B2B2C Marketplace model where LazyFit is the UberEats ofr Personalized Nutrition, a portal for people to customize their nutrition and get it delivered by local meal prep suppliers. Where do you live now, and where would the company be based after YC? We live in Toronto and the startup would be based in San Francisco & Toronto. Explain your decision regarding location.

  7. We are Toronto locals with established relationships. 2) San Fran has the 2nd highest fitness spendni the US (after NY. ( PROGRESS How far along are you? Since our initial product validation ni August, we got 1 customers, 175 waitlist signups, 558 GI followers, onboarded 6 meal prep suppliers, and earned $5,473.69 CAD in revenue. We pivoted in February ot focus on personalized nutrition that addresses dietary restrictions. We have deployed our Al agents ofr nutrition, integrated with our meal preps, testing with customers, and we're publicly launching the new MVP on April 23rd. *$5,473.69 CAD= $3,995.81 USD 7/13

4/24/24, 8:24 PM Abdiv to Y Combinator How long have each of you been working on this? How much of that has been full-time? Please explain. ....,. orrro.,pe- 10monthspart-time

  • 7 months part-time, 3 months full-time What tech stack are you using, or planning to use, to build this product? Frontend: Next.js Backend: NestJS, Node.js Database: PostgreSQL, Redis Al: Python, Anthropic LLM, Retrieval-Augmented Generation Cloud: GCP, AWS Amplify Payment: Stripe Are people using your product? Yes How many active users or customers do you have? How many are paying? Who is paying you the most, and how much do they pay you?

  • 1 active customers, lal are paying.

  • A busy Senior PM at AWS has spent the most: $1360 CAD. *$1360 CAD = $992.59 USD Do you have revenue? Yes How much revenue? Mar 2024: $545 Feb 2024: $620 Jan 2024: $470 Dec 2023: $695 Nov 2023: $600 Oct 2023: $525 Where does your revenue come from? If your revenue comes from multiple sources (ex. multiple products, multiple companies or a mix of consulting and this product), please break down how much is coming from each source. -> 30% Commission based revenue.

  • Customers order meals weekly (currently 5 to 21 meals)

4/24/24.8:24 P M Apply t oYCombinator I D E A at $17/meal and we keep 30% (4$) asrevenue after payouts to meal preps. *CAD ot USD: 17$ = 12$ Anything else you would like us to know regarding your revenue or growth rate? Between Nov- April, our revenue fluctuated because we experimented with various price points (i.e. 15$, 17$, 205), and paused customer acquisition to rebuild our solution after conducting more customer research. *CAD ot USD: 15$ = 115, 17$ = 12$, 20$ = 15% If you are applying with the same idea as a previous batch, did anything change? If you applied with a different idea, why did you pivot and what did you learn from the last idea? We pivoted from the original idea because we were solving multiple problems (meal planner, meal prep B2B SOttware, meal tracker, and logistics) at once but not ettectively,andwewerenotaddressingthepressingneeds of our ideal customer, but after customer discovery we learned personalizing their nutrition to manage dietary restrictions was a more urgent need. If you have already participated or committed to participate in an incubator, "accelerator" or "pre- accelerator" program, please tell us about it. We participated in:

  1. Conestoga Venture Lab Program (

  2. Communitech Canada (

  3. Approved for Al benefits as part of the Google for Startups Cloud Program ( Why did you pick this idea to work on? Do you have domain expertise in this area? How do you know people need what you're making? I couldn'tfi n d a nutrition app to manage my metabolism and dietary restrictions during my Masters Program while dealing with a lot of stress. spent upwards fo $2000/month ordering from multiple meal preps, including HelloFresh, ot lose weight and hated the lack of personalization. --..g. reached out ot , a weight loss coach & bodybuilder, to create a meal plan ot lose weight. Kepo also shared how painful the experience is for her clients. Domain Expertise:

  • I hold an MSc in Al and developed an Al system for osteoporosis management ni collaboration with the NHS 9/13

4/24/24, 8:24 PM Abdiv to Y Combinatoi UK. I'm also a Senior Engineer at I a Healthcare. has experience with Al at Cohere & AWS Bedrock and has worked on securing healthcare data at Costco Pharmacy and Amazon Care. , formerly at Bain, is a personal coach who has helped over 200 clients with their nutrition. has led the expansion of engineering teams at two startups. Market Need: We interviewed 70+ people and surveyed 300 to understand the market. 80% reported difficulty ni consistently eating healthily due to time constraints and a lack of personalized options. Our findings confirmed hte need for our solution: personalized nutrition for busy professionals. This was further highlighted by one of our customers who spent over $5000 on specialized nutrition to m a n a g e her dietary restrictions. Surveys:

  1. 2) Who are your competitors? What do you understand about your business that they don't? Our competitors are large meal prep/kit companies like HelloFresh and FactorMeals, nutrition apps like Noom and MyFitnessPal, small meal prep services, and nutrition coaches who work with clients on a DIY cooking basis. However:

  2. Large Meal Preps/Kits don't offer personalized experiences without customers booking a call with a dietician who is there toupsell themI( hate this). LazyFit provides real-time and on-demand nutrition support.

  3. Nutrition apps provide nutrition support but put the burden of meal planningand cooking on the user. LazyFit eliminates this friction by directly delivering tailored meals through local meal preps.

  4. Nutrition coaches offer personalization but users are limited by the time-intensive human effort required, such as booking calls, paying $50-2505 on top consultation fees, cooking, and tracking. LazyFit's Al Agents allows us to replicate this level of service efficiently and cost- effectively.

  5. Small Meal Preps do not have the technicalcapacity to offer personalized experiences to their customers, limiting their ability ot meet dietary needs. LazyFit enables their businesses by providing the tech. W e learned: -> For Competitors: "It's hard to run a Kitchen and the Intrastructure required for personalization at the same time."

  • For Users: "The burden sistill on the user to personalize their nutrition through research, meal prep, and macro tracking; cognitive overload.' There si a gap between the needs of busy professionals for personalized nutrition and existing solutions - LazyFit 10/13

4/24/24.8:24 P M Apply to Y Combinator intends to fil that gap. Tshi si how we wil accomplish it and stand out from the competition:

  1. LazytFi si tailored ot each user's goals, and uses Al Agents to scale personalized nutrition

  2. Our system integrates with vetted meal preps to deliver the recommended meals. No operational overhead of kitchen a n d logistics

  3. Network effect; with more customers - more data- smarter Al ->better personalization -›more customers which leads to more leverage. How do or will you make money? How much could you make? LazyFit earns a 30% commission from each personalized meal ordered weekly. LazyFit could generate $1.1 billion annually across US & Canada. Detailed Calculations: Revenue = 551,954 users × 10 meals per week × $4 per meal × э0 weeks per year Assumptions:

  4. Serving 551,954 users across the US and Canada.

  5. Assuming each user orders 10 meals per week for 50 weeks a vear.

  6. $4 represents our 30% revenue share.

  7. approximates ni hte US, 6.09% of thetotal working fitness enthusiast population is 7.83 million, with a household income of $100,000 to $149,999 and ni the 25- 4 age group. 5% of that si 391,954 users.

  8. In Canada, the meal kit delivery market siprojected to reach US$1.66 billion by 2024, with an expected 3.2 million users by 2028. 5% means 160,000 users. Our fallback is a (B2B) API / SaaS model where LazyFit software si used by food distributors or fitness institutions that want to offer white labeled personalized nutrition. Sources: US: Canada: Toronto: *LazyFit wil evolve its pricing model and streams of income at scale How do users find your product? How did you get the users you have now? If you run paid ads, what is your cost of acquisition? Current customers are through word of mouth and personal network; CAC = 0$. Customers wil find us through:

  9. Partnerships with boutique gyms and personal coaches 2) Affiliate programs with fitness enthusiasts and health institutions

  10. Employer benefit programs

4/24/24, 8:24 PM Apply to Y Combinatol 4) SEO with blog content and backlinks 5) Local media outlets like Narcity or use Bolaji's Globe&Mail connections Where will most of your initial users be located? CA Which category best applies to your company? Wellness EQUITY Have you formed ANY legal entity yet? Yes O T H E R S Please list all legal entities you have and in what state or country each was formed (e.g. Delaware C Corp, Mexican SAPI, Singapore Pvt Ltd, etc.). LazyFit Inc. Please describe the breakdown of the equity ownership in percentages among the founders, employees and any other stockholders. If there are multiple founders, be sure to give the equity ownership of each founder and founder title (e.g. CEO). Al Engineer- 15% - CEO - 15%

  • CTO - 15% - PM - 15% YC and others: 40% Are you currently fundraising? No fI you had any other ideas you considered applying with, please list them. One may be something we've been waiting for. Often when we fund people it's to do something they list here and not in the main application. (Copilot for : 80% of their them to Risk stakeholders context-awai specification make better engineers g€

LazyFit Inc. s2024 EDUCATION KWARASTATE UNIVERSITY, MALETE BSC Computer Science '12-'16 WORK EXPERIENCE WeTransfer- Senior Software Engineer Nov '23-Present Icontributed code to a system that orchestrates addecision serving for more than 80 million users monthly. A r - Lead Software Engineer Apr '22-Oct '22 Iled the development of asystem to extract Ejar contracts in Saudi Arabia which increased ARR by 50%+ Te...ard - Lead Backend Engineer Dec '19-Mar '22 I built an Al and computer vision solution tha tprocesse dover 1billion records, resulting in +100% in customer satisfaction. Please tell us in one or two sentences about the most impressive thing other than this startup that you have built or achieved. I revamped the core services of a company, including architecture, and code rewrite. This overhaul led to a YC Apply > Application • Logout 4/24/24, 8:24 PM Apply to Y Combinator threefold increase in speed and efficiency. It facilitated the company's expansion into Saudi Arabia and Bahrain, which resulted ni 50%+ increase ni customer acquisition and revenue. If accepted to YC, will you commit to working exclusively on this project for the next year?* (Required) (No school, no other jobs) Yes Blazeh EDUCATION Niagara College Associate's diploma Computer Systems Tech '15-'17 Federal UniversityOf Agriculture, Abeokuta Bachelor's degree Computer Science '13-'15 WORK EXPERIENCE Cohere- Member of Technical Staff Feb '24-Present Helping developers build secure Al models for enterprise companies and OpenSource. Amazon Web Services (AWS) - Application Security Engineer Sep '21-Nov '23 Secured the cloud, AWS Bedrock, and brieflv Amazon Care The

  • Sr Cloud Security Engineer Aug '20-Sep '21 Built a secure infra for Sophi, an Al/ML paywall for news media OpenText - Senior DevOps Engineer Oct '19-Aug 2'1 Founding team forCore Signaturea document signing app. Built the infrastructure to scale from R&D to Enterprise 2/13

4/24/24.8:24 P M Apply t oYCombinator Please tell us in one or two sentences about the most impressive thing other than this startup that you have built or achieved.

  1. Professionally, Ienabled the launch of A spearheaded the security for. 10bn$, created a security framework that saved , over 700hrs ni discovery and triage. 2)I am part of hte core team writing the top10 LM Vulnerabilities at OWASP fI accepted to YC, wil you commit to working exclusively on this project for the next year?* (Required) (No school, no other jobs) Yes Doe EDUCATION IFP School MA Petroleum Economics And Management '12-'12 Colorado School of Mines MA Mineral And Energy Economics '11-'12 The University of Western Exchange program Electrical Engineering '06-'06 The University of Texas at Austin BS Electrical Engineering '03-'07 WORK EXPERIENCE Bonterra Tech- Product Strategy Director Trilogy Software- VP Oct '23-Present Commercial Product Management Crossover for Work- VP Sep '22-Oct '23 Organization Builder Nov '21-Aug '22 Skinny Jollof- Owner May '20-Dec '23 Health and fitness coaching Wood Mackenzie -- Principal Consultant Bain & Company Oct '18-Oct '19 Consultant Feb '17-Sep '18

4/24/24.8:24 P M Apply to 1 combinator Decision Strategies Inc. - Strategy Consultant Jan '13-Jul '16 Deloitte Consulting- Jan '08-Sep '09 Please tell us in one or two sentences about the most impressive thing other than this startup that you have built or achieved. As the Owner and Coach at Skinny Jollof, I empowered over 200 women to transform their relationship with food and achieve sustainable weight loss using a blend of online video modules and group coaching sessions. l've provided in-depth coaching that has enabled busy women to lose weight without restrictive diets, and what's most rewarding is witnessing hte transformative impact on people's health and wellness. If accepted to YC, will you commit to working exclusively on this project for the next year?* (Required) (No school, no other jobs) Yes EDUCATION Birmingham City University MS Artificial Intelligence '22-'23 Federal University Of Agriculture, Abeokuta BS Computer Science '13-'18 WORK EXPERIENCE Inc.- Senior Software Engineer Apr '22-Present Tech lead for user health journey experience so - Senior Software Engineer Aug '21-Mar '24 Tech Lead for the Colombia Fiat Payment Systems Interswitch Limited- Software Engineer

Apply ot Y Combinator Please tell us in one or two Jul '18-Jul '21 sentences about the most impressive thing other than this startup that you have built or achieved. In collaboration with the NHS UK Dudley Trust,I developed a non-pharmacological health and wellness system specifically designed to address the needs of individuals living with Osteoporosis. This innovative system implements large languagemodels using Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG) pattern ot provide recommendations and guidance for managing the condition, and was evaluated by both medical professionals and general userswith a usability score of excellent by both medical professionals (83#11.6) and general users (85‡12.9). If accepted to YC, will you commit to working exclusively on this project for the next year?* (Required) (No school, no other jobs) Yes Who writes code, or does other technical work on your product? Was any of it done by a non- founder? Please explain.

  1. ^ u - b u i l d s t h e Al A g e n t s . 2) Г in writes fullstack code.

  2. ~ ' ij builds infra, security and safety controls. How long have the founders known one another and how did you meet? Have any of the founders not met in person? I have known the founders for:

  • 9 yearsI( ji) - Close friends and CompSci course mate, built a file sharing app together.

  • 3 years |( o) - I met her through a friend who referred her for weight loss consultation.

  • 1.5 years I( ...1)i - E found I i on YC cofounder matching and we traveled to meet him ni the UK. FOUNDER Please record a one minute video introducing VIDEO the founders). This video isan important part of the application. Read the Guidelines 5/13

4/24/24, 8:24 PM Applyot YCombinator 0 : 0 0/ 0 : 5 8 COMPANYCompany name: LazyFit Inc. Describe what your company does in 50 characters or less. UberEats for Personalized Nutrition Company url, if any: fI you have a demo, attach it below. Anything that shows su how the product works. Please limit to 3 minutes / 100MB. 0 : 0 0/ 1 : 4 4 Please provide a link to the product, if relevant. What is your company going to make? Please describe your product and what it does or will do. 6/13

4/24/24, 8:24PM Abdiv to Y Combinator LazyFit si a web app that delivers personalized nutrition ofr busy professionals with dietary restrictions conveniently. Here's how it works:

  1. Users enter their bio-data (height, weight), dietary preferences (allergies, cuisines), goals (lose weight)

  2. The app uses Al agents to pul meal data from our database, calculate recommended macronutrients, and integrate the user's goals and preferences into a ML prompt ot generate personalized meal recommendations. 3) Through prompts, users customize meals that address dietary restrictions and functional nutrition such as reducing bloat, improving metabolism, reducing stress, managing gut health etc.

  3. Recommended meals are delivered weekly by local meal o r eoartners How we get the meals:

  4. We partner with vetted local meal preps by importing their meal inventory intoour datastore

  5. Recommended meals confirmed by the customer is sent as an order to the meal prep

  6. Meal Preps deliver the meals and get a weekly payout after LazyFit's 30% commission *We only handle non-pharmacological nutrition today. oT scale LazyFit, we wil use a B2B2C Marketplace model where LazyFit is the UberEats ofr Personalized Nutrition, a portal for people to customize their nutrition and get it delivered by local meal prep suppliers. Where do you live now, and where would the company be based after YC? We live in Toronto and the startup would be based in San Francisco & Toronto. Explain your decision regarding location.

  7. We are Toronto locals with established relationships. 2) San Fran has the 2nd highest fitness spendni the US (after NY. ( PROGRESS How far along are you? Since our initial product validation ni August, we got 1 customers, 175 waitlist signups, 558 GI followers, onboarded 6 meal prep suppliers, and earned $5,473.69 CAD in revenue. We pivoted in February ot focus on personalized nutrition that addresses dietary restrictions. We have deployed our Al agents ofr nutrition, integrated with our meal preps, testing with customers, and we're publicly launching the new MVP on April 23rd. *$5,473.69 CAD= $3,995.81 USD 7/13

4/24/24, 8:24 PM Abdiv to Y Combinator How long have each of you been working on this? How much of that has been full-time? Please explain. ....,. orrro.,pe- 10monthspart-time

  • 7 months part-time, 3 months full-time What tech stack are you using, or planning to use, to build this product? Frontend: Next.js Backend: NestJS, Node.js Database: PostgreSQL, Redis Al: Python, Anthropic LLM, Retrieval-Augmented Generation Cloud: GCP, AWS Amplify Payment: Stripe Are people using your product? Yes How many active users or customers do you have? How many are paying? Who is paying you the most, and how much do they pay you?

  • 1 active customers, lal are paying.

  • A busy Senior PM at AWS has spent the most: $1360 CAD. *$1360 CAD = $992.59 USD Do you have revenue? Yes How much revenue? Mar 2024: $545 Feb 2024: $620 Jan 2024: $470 Dec 2023: $695 Nov 2023: $600 Oct 2023: $525 Where does your revenue come from? If your revenue comes from multiple sources (ex. multiple products, multiple companies or a mix of consulting and this product), please break down how much is coming from each source. -> 30% Commission based revenue.

  • Customers order meals weekly (currently 5 to 21 meals)

4/24/24.8:24 P M Apply t oYCombinator I D E A at $17/meal and we keep 30% (4$) asrevenue after payouts to meal preps. *CAD ot USD: 17$ = 12$ Anything else you would like us to know regarding your revenue or growth rate? Between Nov- April, our revenue fluctuated because we experimented with various price points (i.e. 15$, 17$, 205), and paused customer acquisition to rebuild our solution after conducting more customer research. *CAD ot USD: 15$ = 115, 17$ = 12$, 20$ = 15% If you are applying with the same idea as a previous batch, did anything change? If you applied with a different idea, why did you pivot and what did you learn from the last idea? We pivoted from the original idea because we were solving multiple problems (meal planner, meal prep B2B SOttware, meal tracker, and logistics) at once but not ettectively,andwewerenotaddressingthepressingneeds of our ideal customer, but after customer discovery we learned personalizing their nutrition to manage dietary restrictions was a more urgent need. If you have already participated or committed to participate in an incubator, "accelerator" or "pre- accelerator" program, please tell us about it. We participated in:

  1. Conestoga Venture Lab Program (

  2. Communitech Canada (

  3. Approved for Al benefits as part of the Google for Startups Cloud Program ( Why did you pick this idea to work on? Do you have domain expertise in this area? How do you know people need what you're making? I couldn'tfi n d a nutrition app to manage my metabolism and dietary restrictions during my Masters Program while dealing with a lot of stress. spent upwards fo $2000/month ordering from multiple meal preps, including HelloFresh, ot lose weight and hated the lack of personalization. --..g. reached out ot , a weight loss coach & bodybuilder, to create a meal plan ot lose weight. Kepo also shared how painful the experience is for her clients. Domain Expertise:

  • I hold an MSc in Al and developed an Al system for osteoporosis management ni collaboration with the NHS 9/13

4/24/24, 8:24 PM Abdiv to Y Combinatoi UK. I'm also a Senior Engineer at I a Healthcare. has experience with Al at Cohere & AWS Bedrock and has worked on securing healthcare data at Costco Pharmacy and Amazon Care. , formerly at Bain, is a personal coach who has helped over 200 clients with their nutrition. has led the expansion of engineering teams at two startups. Market Need: We interviewed 70+ people and surveyed 300 to understand the market. 80% reported difficulty ni consistently eating healthily due to time constraints and a lack of personalized options. Our findings confirmed hte need for our solution: personalized nutrition for busy professionals. This was further highlighted by one of our customers who spent over $5000 on specialized nutrition to m a n a g e her dietary restrictions. Surveys:

  1. 2) Who are your competitors? What do you understand about your business that they don't? Our competitors are large meal prep/kit companies like HelloFresh and FactorMeals, nutrition apps like Noom and MyFitnessPal, small meal prep services, and nutrition coaches who work with clients on a DIY cooking basis. However:

  2. Large Meal Preps/Kits don't offer personalized experiences without customers booking a call with a dietician who is there toupsell themI( hate this). LazyFit provides real-time and on-demand nutrition support.

  3. Nutrition apps provide nutrition support but put the burden of meal planningand cooking on the user. LazyFit eliminates this friction by directly delivering tailored meals through local meal preps.

  4. Nutrition coaches offer personalization but users are limited by the time-intensive human effort required, such as booking calls, paying $50-2505 on top consultation fees, cooking, and tracking. LazyFit's Al Agents allows us to replicate this level of service efficiently and cost- effectively.

  5. Small Meal Preps do not have the technicalcapacity to offer personalized experiences to their customers, limiting their ability ot meet dietary needs. LazyFit enables their businesses by providing the tech. W e learned: -> For Competitors: "It's hard to run a Kitchen and the Intrastructure required for personalization at the same time."

  • For Users: "The burden sistill on the user to personalize their nutrition through research, meal prep, and macro tracking; cognitive overload.' There si a gap between the needs of busy professionals for personalized nutrition and existing solutions - LazyFit 10/13

4/24/24.8:24 P M Apply to Y Combinator intends to fil that gap. Tshi si how we wil accomplish it and stand out from the competition:

  1. LazytFi si tailored ot each user's goals, and uses Al Agents to scale personalized nutrition

  2. Our system integrates with vetted meal preps to deliver the recommended meals. No operational overhead of kitchen a n d logistics

  3. Network effect; with more customers - more data- smarter Al ->better personalization -›more customers which leads to more leverage. How do or will you make money? How much could you make? LazyFit earns a 30% commission from each personalized meal ordered weekly. LazyFit could generate $1.1 billion annually across US & Canada. Detailed Calculations: Revenue = 551,954 users × 10 meals per week × $4 per meal × э0 weeks per year Assumptions:

  4. Serving 551,954 users across the US and Canada.

  5. Assuming each user orders 10 meals per week for 50 weeks a vear.

  6. $4 represents our 30% revenue share.

  7. approximates ni hte US, 6.09% of thetotal working fitness enthusiast population is 7.83 million, with a household income of $100,000 to $149,999 and ni the 25- 4 age group. 5% of that si 391,954 users.

  8. In Canada, the meal kit delivery market siprojected to reach US$1.66 billion by 2024, with an expected 3.2 million users by 2028. 5% means 160,000 users. Our fallback is a (B2B) API / SaaS model where LazyFit software si used by food distributors or fitness institutions that want to offer white labeled personalized nutrition. Sources: US: Canada: Toronto: *LazyFit wil evolve its pricing model and streams of income at scale How do users find your product? How did you get the users you have now? If you run paid ads, what is your cost of acquisition? Current customers are through word of mouth and personal network; CAC = 0$. Customers wil find us through:

  9. Partnerships with boutique gyms and personal coaches 2) Affiliate programs with fitness enthusiasts and health institutions

  10. Employer benefit programs

4/24/24, 8:24 PM Apply to Y Combinatol 4) SEO with blog content and backlinks 5) Local media outlets like Narcity or use Bolaji's Globe&Mail connections Where will most of your initial users be located? CA Which category best applies to your company? Wellness EQUITY Have you formed ANY legal entity yet? Yes O T H E R S Please list all legal entities you have and in what state or country each was formed (e.g. Delaware C Corp, Mexican SAPI, Singapore Pvt Ltd, etc.). LazyFit Inc. Please describe the breakdown of the equity ownership in percentages among the founders, employees and any other stockholders. If there are multiple founders, be sure to give the equity ownership of each founder and founder title (e.g. CEO). Al Engineer- 15% - CEO - 15%

  • CTO - 15% - PM - 15% YC and others: 40% Are you currently fundraising? No fI you had any other ideas you considered applying with, please list them. One may be something we've been waiting for. Often when we fund people it's to do something they list here and not in the main application. (Copilot for : 80% of their them to Risk stakeholders context-awai specification make better engineers g€

See Why



Executive Summary:

LazyFit Inc.'s application to Y Combinator shows a promising, innovative business model aimed at revolutionizing personalized nutrition for busy professionals with dietary restrictions. The startup demonstrates good initial traction and a clear understanding of their market and customer needs. However, some areas need refinement and deeper analysis to enhance the application's appeal to YC reviewers.

Key strengths identified in the application include a well-defined target market, an innovative product that adequately addresses customer pain points, and a potentially scalable business model. On the flipside, the application could benefit from a more detailed elaboration on operational strategies, clearer financial projections, and evidence of sustainable competitive advantages.

Investment Thesis Relevance:

LazyFit aligns well with YC's focus on scalable, tech-driven business models with clear, impactful value propositions. The startup presents a unique solution in the wellness and health tech industry, specifically tailored to busy professional lifestyles. To better fit into YC's portfolio, LazyFit should emphasize its use of advanced AI technology in customizing nutrition, which could set it apart from traditional meal prep and delivery services.

Market Understanding and Strategy:

The application demonstrates a reasonable understanding of the competitive landscape, including strengths and weaknesses compared to meal prep services, nutritional apps, and personal coaches. However, it should deepen the market analysis to reflect a broader understanding of potential shifts in consumer preferences or technological advancements that could affect future operations. Providing a more systematic approach to capturing market trends and customer feedback could be beneficial.

Business Model Evaluation:

LazyFit's business model, centered on a B2B2C marketplace for nutrition customization, appears sustainable and scalable, leveraging a commission-based revenue structure. The model's success hinges on maintaining strong partnerships with local meal prep services and an effective operational strategy. Enhancing clarity on long-term profitability metrics and customer acquisition costs would strengthen the business plan.

Team Competency and Dynamics:

The team's diverse background in software engineering, AI, health tech, and business operations provides a strong foundation. However, for enhanced impact, it may benefit from the addition of expertise in nutrition science or the wellness industry to boost credibility and operational capability in the sector.

Operational Efficiency and Milestone Achievement:

The application outlines progress in product development and market validation. Nonetheless, it lacks a detailed roadmap for scale-up and specific operational milestones, such as key hiring, technology development, and partnership expansion. Outlining these aspects could provide clearer insights into the company’s operational efficiency.

Use of Language:

The application is mostly clear and communicates the business idea effectively. However, it occasionally uses jargon (AI agents, RAG utilization) that may not be immediately understandable without specific technical knowledge. Simplifying this technical language or providing brief explanations could enhance clarity.

Financial Health and Projections:

Revenues show a modest start with potential for growth. The financial projections indicating a $1.1 billion revenue potential seem overly optimistic given current traction. A more conservative, staged financial projection aligned with realistic market capture rates would enhance credibility.

Constructive Criticism and Advice:

  1. Clarify Operational Roadmap: Provide clearer timelines and strategies for achieving operational milestones, including technology development and market expansion.

  2. Deepen Market Analysis: Further analyze competitive dynamics and consumer trends to anticipate market shifts.

  3. Refine Financial Projections: Offer a more conservative, evidence-backed financial outlook to improve realism in growth expectations.

  4. Enhance Team Expertise: Consider including a nutritionist or someone with a strong background in wellness to enhance domain expertise.

Final Thoughts:

LazyFit Inc. possesses a compelling and innovative approach to personalized nutrition that addresses a real need in the market. While the business shows potential, it is crucial for the founders to address gaps in market analysis, operational planning, and financial projections to improve their chances of acceptance into Y Combinator. The focus should be on presenting a realistic, achievable plan that remains compelling and innovative.

Executive Summary:

LazyFit Inc.'s application to Y Combinator shows a promising, innovative business model aimed at revolutionizing personalized nutrition for busy professionals with dietary restrictions. The startup demonstrates good initial traction and a clear understanding of their market and customer needs. However, some areas need refinement and deeper analysis to enhance the application's appeal to YC reviewers.

Key strengths identified in the application include a well-defined target market, an innovative product that adequately addresses customer pain points, and a potentially scalable business model. On the flipside, the application could benefit from a more detailed elaboration on operational strategies, clearer financial projections, and evidence of sustainable competitive advantages.

Investment Thesis Relevance:

LazyFit aligns well with YC's focus on scalable, tech-driven business models with clear, impactful value propositions. The startup presents a unique solution in the wellness and health tech industry, specifically tailored to busy professional lifestyles. To better fit into YC's portfolio, LazyFit should emphasize its use of advanced AI technology in customizing nutrition, which could set it apart from traditional meal prep and delivery services.

Market Understanding and Strategy:

The application demonstrates a reasonable understanding of the competitive landscape, including strengths and weaknesses compared to meal prep services, nutritional apps, and personal coaches. However, it should deepen the market analysis to reflect a broader understanding of potential shifts in consumer preferences or technological advancements that could affect future operations. Providing a more systematic approach to capturing market trends and customer feedback could be beneficial.

Business Model Evaluation:

LazyFit's business model, centered on a B2B2C marketplace for nutrition customization, appears sustainable and scalable, leveraging a commission-based revenue structure. The model's success hinges on maintaining strong partnerships with local meal prep services and an effective operational strategy. Enhancing clarity on long-term profitability metrics and customer acquisition costs would strengthen the business plan.

Team Competency and Dynamics:

The team's diverse background in software engineering, AI, health tech, and business operations provides a strong foundation. However, for enhanced impact, it may benefit from the addition of expertise in nutrition science or the wellness industry to boost credibility and operational capability in the sector.

Operational Efficiency and Milestone Achievement:

The application outlines progress in product development and market validation. Nonetheless, it lacks a detailed roadmap for scale-up and specific operational milestones, such as key hiring, technology development, and partnership expansion. Outlining these aspects could provide clearer insights into the company’s operational efficiency.

Use of Language:

The application is mostly clear and communicates the business idea effectively. However, it occasionally uses jargon (AI agents, RAG utilization) that may not be immediately understandable without specific technical knowledge. Simplifying this technical language or providing brief explanations could enhance clarity.

Financial Health and Projections:

Revenues show a modest start with potential for growth. The financial projections indicating a $1.1 billion revenue potential seem overly optimistic given current traction. A more conservative, staged financial projection aligned with realistic market capture rates would enhance credibility.

Constructive Criticism and Advice:

  1. Clarify Operational Roadmap: Provide clearer timelines and strategies for achieving operational milestones, including technology development and market expansion.

  2. Deepen Market Analysis: Further analyze competitive dynamics and consumer trends to anticipate market shifts.

  3. Refine Financial Projections: Offer a more conservative, evidence-backed financial outlook to improve realism in growth expectations.

  4. Enhance Team Expertise: Consider including a nutritionist or someone with a strong background in wellness to enhance domain expertise.

Final Thoughts:

LazyFit Inc. possesses a compelling and innovative approach to personalized nutrition that addresses a real need in the market. While the business shows potential, it is crucial for the founders to address gaps in market analysis, operational planning, and financial projections to improve their chances of acceptance into Y Combinator. The focus should be on presenting a realistic, achievable plan that remains compelling and innovative.

Executive Summary:

LazyFit Inc.'s application to Y Combinator shows a promising, innovative business model aimed at revolutionizing personalized nutrition for busy professionals with dietary restrictions. The startup demonstrates good initial traction and a clear understanding of their market and customer needs. However, some areas need refinement and deeper analysis to enhance the application's appeal to YC reviewers.

Key strengths identified in the application include a well-defined target market, an innovative product that adequately addresses customer pain points, and a potentially scalable business model. On the flipside, the application could benefit from a more detailed elaboration on operational strategies, clearer financial projections, and evidence of sustainable competitive advantages.

Investment Thesis Relevance:

LazyFit aligns well with YC's focus on scalable, tech-driven business models with clear, impactful value propositions. The startup presents a unique solution in the wellness and health tech industry, specifically tailored to busy professional lifestyles. To better fit into YC's portfolio, LazyFit should emphasize its use of advanced AI technology in customizing nutrition, which could set it apart from traditional meal prep and delivery services.

Market Understanding and Strategy:

The application demonstrates a reasonable understanding of the competitive landscape, including strengths and weaknesses compared to meal prep services, nutritional apps, and personal coaches. However, it should deepen the market analysis to reflect a broader understanding of potential shifts in consumer preferences or technological advancements that could affect future operations. Providing a more systematic approach to capturing market trends and customer feedback could be beneficial.

Business Model Evaluation:

LazyFit's business model, centered on a B2B2C marketplace for nutrition customization, appears sustainable and scalable, leveraging a commission-based revenue structure. The model's success hinges on maintaining strong partnerships with local meal prep services and an effective operational strategy. Enhancing clarity on long-term profitability metrics and customer acquisition costs would strengthen the business plan.

Team Competency and Dynamics:

The team's diverse background in software engineering, AI, health tech, and business operations provides a strong foundation. However, for enhanced impact, it may benefit from the addition of expertise in nutrition science or the wellness industry to boost credibility and operational capability in the sector.

Operational Efficiency and Milestone Achievement:

The application outlines progress in product development and market validation. Nonetheless, it lacks a detailed roadmap for scale-up and specific operational milestones, such as key hiring, technology development, and partnership expansion. Outlining these aspects could provide clearer insights into the company’s operational efficiency.

Use of Language:

The application is mostly clear and communicates the business idea effectively. However, it occasionally uses jargon (AI agents, RAG utilization) that may not be immediately understandable without specific technical knowledge. Simplifying this technical language or providing brief explanations could enhance clarity.

Financial Health and Projections:

Revenues show a modest start with potential for growth. The financial projections indicating a $1.1 billion revenue potential seem overly optimistic given current traction. A more conservative, staged financial projection aligned with realistic market capture rates would enhance credibility.

Constructive Criticism and Advice:

  1. Clarify Operational Roadmap: Provide clearer timelines and strategies for achieving operational milestones, including technology development and market expansion.

  2. Deepen Market Analysis: Further analyze competitive dynamics and consumer trends to anticipate market shifts.

  3. Refine Financial Projections: Offer a more conservative, evidence-backed financial outlook to improve realism in growth expectations.

  4. Enhance Team Expertise: Consider including a nutritionist or someone with a strong background in wellness to enhance domain expertise.

Final Thoughts:

LazyFit Inc. possesses a compelling and innovative approach to personalized nutrition that addresses a real need in the market. While the business shows potential, it is crucial for the founders to address gaps in market analysis, operational planning, and financial projections to improve their chances of acceptance into Y Combinator. The focus should be on presenting a realistic, achievable plan that remains compelling and innovative.